Game historians will have much to discuss when they look back upon this, the seventh generation of console gaming, however I doubt they will be discussing games like flower ( which is a good thing :p).
In Flower, the player assumes the role of a flower petal, and by aid of the wind is tasked with bringing life and color to the surrounding countryside. Much like in Fl0w, the controls are very primitive with the X button providing a boost of wind and the direction controls used for steering. By blowing the petal from flower to flower, the player gains more flower petals. Eventually once all the flower patches in an area have been activated, the countryside flourishes to life, and the player moves on the next level.
It is the simplness in this game, coupled with the atmospheric graphics and sound that accomploish what so few titles can do : take us to another world via gameplay. That's quite an accomplishment, as there are relativly few titles out there that take us places that we want to go. Flower is like interactive Lexapro for the Call of Duty addict (except Flower won't take away your sex drive). Someone needs to kidnap Jack Thompson, give him a few hits of LSD, and force him to play this game for 72 hours straight.
Rating: A