Stand-Up Comedian in Pottstown

Monday, March 12, 2012


I don't have the strength to sum up my OVERWHELMING DISAPPOINTMENT WITH THIS GAME so I'll just let this picture sum up how I feel about the whole thing.

Womp, womp.

First off, you're gonna need to have bought either the N7 Collector's Edition or all the FIRST DAY DLC to take in the entire narrative experience of ME3, which is bullshit. It's not like the DLC just includes some extra characters that don't add on to the story line. No, it contains MAJOR CHARACTERS who are critical to the TRILOGY ITSELF. Also if you liked all the awesome shit you could do with the Normandy SR2 in ME2, DON'T GET ME3. Bioware literally took away all that shit. And if you got the game on PS3 (like I did), kill yourself. The offline lag makes the whole game feel very unpolished and the online lag has left the multiplayer straight-up broken. 

There is allot of good in this game, the problem is that all the glaring holes kinda distract you from the overall great experience it should be. So when I can get through my second round of playing this thing, without having to fight the urge to just pop in ME2 instead, I'll give it a proper review. But until then I can't even recommend die hard fans of the trilogy buy this game. Bioware has much to answer for.

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