Stand-Up Comedian in Pottstown

Friday, April 17, 2009


My trial subscriptions for both World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online expired today. For the record, I found Warhammer to be a more enjoyable experience. Unfortunately my gaming is now restricted to my PS3, an object which I have grown to hate more and more as time goes on. Actually I don't hate the system, I just hate the fact that it's owned by Sony.

During the ten day trial period for WoW and Warhammer, I didn't touch my PS3 at all. The first thing I did when I finally turned the console back on, was delete PS HOME, as it is a godforsaken waste of 4,000 megabytes. It's so pointless, I'm not even going to talk about how stupid the concept is. Instead I'll just bitch about the fact that, since I got the beta in December, Sony has added virtually nothing to HOME; I've been waiting to peruse the products in the Mall's "Stuff" store for nearly half a year and yet there's STILL nothing in there. Granted I think it's insane to purchase anything in HOME with real money, but it would be cool to ride around on a tricycle or something.

When I had my 360, I had a serious issue when it came to buying too many games. Haven't had that issue since I got my PS3. I have a theory as to why the 360 has such a high failure rate and the PS3 doesn't. I think that since 360 users have Live and a bigger selection of games to play, they over heat their poorly designed machines by playing (aka having "fun") for hours on end. PS3 users will never have that experience. I'm sorry but it's true. I'm glad I don't have to pay for the PSN, because it pales in comparison to the quality and functionality of Xbox Live. I want to trade in my PS3, but I'm not going to. Can't trade in my Wii either. I need to get a 360 again though.

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