Fuck me. Here I am all settled in to pen my first game review, and turns out.......shits' been out for like almost three years. Whatever.
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade, is yet another Diablo-styled RPG that adds nothing to the genre that hasn't been done already. Really, if this game were on any platform other than the PSP, it would be totally worthless. But because the PSP has only a handful of games that don't suck Viking cock, any hack and slash Diablo rip-off shines like gold on the system.
The story of this game is.....aw' fuck it, I have no idea what the story is about. Everything about this game that dosn't involve killing shit is a snooze fest. Rescue this bitch from some spiders. Go get this book from some zombies. Kill this monster. The whole game is essentially a bunch of generic story lines mushed together.
The difficulty range of this game can be summed up as such:
Towards the end of my first play through, my Knight was swathing through every bad guy like Hurricane Katrina through a group of minorities. This might sound like a good thing, but it's not, since it basically makes all the skills you've been investing XP into totally worthless. I have yet to play the game as any of the three other characters, but I have pretty good reason to believe that all the characters in the game are overpowered by the time they get to level fifteen.
So what makes this game worth playing? It's not a bad game, it's just kinda broken and repetative. Unless you're a Diablo purist, or a Blizzard employee, you'll have fun with this title simple because it's kinda like Diablo and it's portable. To put it simply, this game is kinda like fast food; don't expect a deeply moving experience, just eat your fucking Happy Meal and enjoy it.