Fall is here people, so break out the cider, wrap yourself up in a ridiculously long scarf, and put on a fancy hat!!
While today may not technically be the first day of fall, I say....who gives a shit! It's fucking fall!! I say, leave the accuracy to the people who remind us of all the Jewish Holidays on the calendar. That's right, the Jews. Leave the precision to the Sons of David(?) and the rest of us will be outside, playing in the leaves and getting ready for Halloween!
Fall is, of course, next to Summer, the best time of year.
But what about those people who say that Spring or Winter are the next best times of year? Or the people who challenge Fall's number one spot as best season of all?
They're all wrong. Godless sodomites who practice rituals involving anal sex and blood drinking, they are all wrong. Fall is the best, and summer is the next best. If you agree, thats awesome, if you don't just remember, you're a Godless sodomite who takes it in the ass and consumes blood for nutrition. Case closed.
In addition to fall being already awesome and shit, this fall promises to be even more ridiculous than all other falls in recent memory, especially if you're a gamer. While the fall of 2007 had a few titles of note (Halo3 and COD4), this fall will see the release some of the most highly anticipated and action packed titles in recent memory. Fallout 3 (OMFG), Fable 2, and Call of Duty 5 are but a few of the many releases that are on their way to store this fall.
And I can only hope Microsoft repairs my 360 console (which RRoDed last month on an Orange Box update....fourth freaking console) in time for at least the release of Fallout 3. Or there will be bloodshed.
In the meanwhiles I'll be reviewing games on the Wii and the PSP. Like anybody really needs reviews for those consoles......BUT NEVER THE LESS THE REVIEWS WILL CONTINUE!