Simply Retarded
Cube is a puzzle based game, wherein you control a moving cube across a terrain of 3D blocks, and try to collect a bunch of keys while avoiding traps like mines, quicksand, bombs, and boredom.
Why is does this game exist? Why does Sony litter the PSN store with shit like this? Sure the level editor will keep you occupied for awhile, but who wants to construct levels for a game as ugly as this one?
When will Microsoft send me a replacement 360? Will I then be able to review decent fucking games? Or will Sony surprise me with a decent title for the PSP?
Is it too much to ask these huge corporations like Microsoft and Sony to deliver on quality products? And when is Nintendo gonna come out with a game that doesn't involve my fitness? I don't wanna loose weight or quit smoking Nintendo! I WANT TO PLAY SOME DECENT VIDEO GAMES!