My PSP is allot like the my Wii in many regards. Both have been collecting dust in a cabinet for many months now, and both are notorious for their large catalogue of fucking horrible games.
So I really want to like this game, really I do. It's not often that Sony releases major titles of their portable gaming system, not to mention downloadable ones. There's just one little problem.
This game is fucking terrible. So hideous and unbelievably unplayable is this piece of shit that, every time I think about how I paid $20 for it, I punch myself in the eye. I've played allot of shitty video games in my life. Since I started reviewing games, however, the number of terrible games I've exposed myself to has doubled. But in all that time I've never played a game as fucking horrid as Killzone: Liberation.
In the game you control your character through a 3/4 top down view of the world. I use the word "control" here very loosely, as this game will thwart your every attempt to control anything. You use the right bumper to duck behind objects, and the square button to fire. Holding the left bumper while moving the character with the analogue stick allows you to strafe. Those controls work fine. The rest make this game unplayable. The targeting system doesn't work at all, which is great, because during specific battles of the game, targeting is essential. One of the levels requires you to operate a tank through most of the level; I defy anyone to enjoy this game while operating the tank. The controls are so awful it's almost like torture.
But the best/worst aspect of this game is the way you interact with the environment. Normally you use the X button to open supply crates, get power ups, and manually strike enemies. But this game is so fucking atrocious, the developers just had to make that X button do something else. When you are hit hard by enemy fire, your character will fall to the ground; you will then be prompted to hit the X button to MAKE HIM FUCKING GET UP.
Do not buy this game. Some people may say to you "Hey you should get Killzone:Liberation. I hear it's a really good game!" Fuck these people for they are assholes without measure. Kill them with a shovel and move on with your life.