I predict a riot
Survival shooters have long suffered from a serious issue, being that, in game, it's a fucking bitch trying to survive. Then Capcom brought the genre up to speed with Resident Evil 4; the player was once again pited against hordes of enemies, however the combat system was completely retooled, and RE4 became the first game within the genre to focus more upon combat than survivability. RE4 was the soul reason I got a Gamecube, and when it was released for the Wii I bought that version as well. RE4 was a really, really good game.
And so is Resident Evil 5, although there is not much within the gameplay that makes the sequal much better; after all it's hard to improve perfection. The key difference in gameplay is the control scheme, and the co-op features.
Now I've heard allot of people I know tell me "The controls in this game suck and make the game unplayable." Believe me when I accuse these people of being retards. I don't want to do it. Most of these people are good friends of mine. Yet the sad fact remains that they are retards. There is nothing wrong with the control scheme in this game, if anything it balances out the gameplay. I do agree that the inability to move while aiming is stupid. It doesn't make the game unplayable, but it is a feature from RE4 that should have been removed in the sequal. My only other gripe with the game is that you cannot skip the cutscenes, even if you've seen the cutseen before. The problem with this is that if you find a part of the game that keeps killing you, you gotta watch the same damn cutscenes over and over.
Those two issues aside, this game is nothing short of mind-blowing. I'm tossing this one in for Game of the Year Nomination. A-