This game is sweet!
Guns of Icarus | from Muse Games on Vimeo.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Dark Tower: Discordia
As if the fact that JJ Abrams involvement with the future TV series based on Stephen King's epic trilogy The Dark Tower wasn't awesome enough, there's this video on King's website about an upcoming video game, The Dark Tower: Discordia.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Just one more reason to love Philadelphia.
Next time you are on the train in NW Philly and you approach Duffy's Cut, realize you are about to travel over a MASS GRAVE at 200 miles per hour.
Don't waste your money buying videogames when you can use that same money to pay a prositute to shit on your chest, thereby stimulating the economy.
The list of free shit you can get off the internet the last time I checked, (which was about 1996) is pretty fucking staggering. Coincidently 73% of what's available is also of an epically fucking pathetic quality, or possesses such little usefulness that it's mere existence is a testament to the fact that God is dead and we are isolated beings in a desolate yet infinitely complex structure of frozen cosmos.
And yet there is hope...
But not for God. No, no, no, no..... God's dead...dead like Tara Reid's floppy titties. Anyway here's a pretty comprehensive list I found of free online MMORPGs. Keep in mind that probably a handful of games on this list are worth the time to download and play, while the others will waste both your time and HDD space, so tread lightly, and if you don't bother scanning your downloads for viruses than, hey, what can I say? Unless you want more bugs on your hard drive than the shitty anti viral soft ware you installed can shake a stick at, then scan that shit before you install it mofos.
Take care now.
And yet there is hope...
But not for God. No, no, no, no..... God's dead...dead like Tara Reid's floppy titties. Anyway here's a pretty comprehensive list I found of free online MMORPGs. Keep in mind that probably a handful of games on this list are worth the time to download and play, while the others will waste both your time and HDD space, so tread lightly, and if you don't bother scanning your downloads for viruses than, hey, what can I say? Unless you want more bugs on your hard drive than the shitty anti viral soft ware you installed can shake a stick at, then scan that shit before you install it mofos.
Take care now.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Anyone who fucks with Glen Tickle will be raped. And by raped I mean I will run you over with my car.
Last Sunday I did another open mike at the Bethlehem Brew Works and this time I did not shout at any audience members. Since then, I've been told that my performance was much better than it was the previous Sunday. I am happy about that but my act is still a work in progress. However Glen Tickle is already funny and everyone should see him do his material. You can see the both of us tonight at Stooges in Allentown.
But if you fuck with Glen I'll rape you with my car.
But if you fuck with Glen I'll rape you with my car.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I'm doing standup comedy now.....I know, I know.....It's about fucking time!
Yes, it is true and if you have not heard the rumors out there about me returning to comedy then you are what it means to be a fag. The king has returned to the village that birthed him the nipple troll that will one day save all of Albion. Right now I'm just doing open mics where ever I can get to, I plan to per sue this as a career. That feels weird saying that last sentence, but it's true as I'm going to just find a shit job to pay the bills until can make some money off this. This will be my career because, and I'ma let you finish, but I was made for the stage. Like the Decemberists. Not like Kanye though.
Your turn out would be appreciated.
Your turn out would be appreciated.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Indie Game Explorer
This week I'll be talking about some indie devoloped games that you'll want to download, even if it's just the demos. Some of them are 100% free, some of them cost money, but I can assure you that all of them are worth your time and attention.
Monday, June 29, 2009
I now write for
I haven't made any recent posts because I got at job with writing about, what else, video games.
While my original title was for Philadelphia Video Game Lifestyle Examiner, they changed it to Philadelphia Video Game Industry Examiner after I told them that was my area of expertise. Whatever the case may be I've mainly been writing about anything video game related (reviews, previews, industry news, etc) although I plan on refocusing my topics within the near future.
So what happens to this blog? I don't know really. I'm certainly not thinking of abandoning it, although I won't be posting here as frequently as did in the past. I'll probably still use this place as a way to talk about video games in the way I want to discuss them, but I'm not going to limit the mains topic to just video games anymore. I've been watching allot of movies lately; I used to hate movies. I think the last time I went to the theater on a regular basis without being dragged was when I was still a teenager. But I've come to realize that there are a ton of great movies out there now, so maybe I'll start talking about them here as well as talking about video games.
But please, if you do read and enjoy this blog, be sure to head on over to my profile at and read my articles. You don't even need to read any of them, you just need to click on their individual links in order for me to get paid. I'll post the link to my profile below. Also feel free to send me feedback any anything related to this blog or my profile at by emailing me at:
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Too Little Too Late
I don't know what is worse; the onset of a worldwide pandemic or the idiocracy it creates. Below is a video documenting lessons learned from 1918 flu pandemic. I have some personal interest vested in the aformentioned plague as my father's mother was a survivor of the virus's second mutation. She recounted to me first hand all the horrors she had witnessed as the flu ripped through her village and into her home, ultimatey taking the life of her sister before it left as mysteriously as it had come.
I think what is important to recognize about the swine flu is this is definately the making of a worst case scenario. H1N1 is not terribly lethal, at leat not yet. What little we know about flu strains is derived from the havok created when none lethal strains mutate into something deadly. I think that the best way we can prepare ourselves for a lethal outbreak is to work together as a community instead of hording food and water.
I think what is important to recognize about the swine flu is this is definately the making of a worst case scenario. H1N1 is not terribly lethal, at leat not yet. What little we know about flu strains is derived from the havok created when none lethal strains mutate into something deadly. I think that the best way we can prepare ourselves for a lethal outbreak is to work together as a community instead of hording food and water.
Friday, April 17, 2009
My trial subscriptions for both World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online expired today. For the record, I found Warhammer to be a more enjoyable experience. Unfortunately my gaming is now restricted to my PS3, an object which I have grown to hate more and more as time goes on. Actually I don't hate the system, I just hate the fact that it's owned by Sony.
During the ten day trial period for WoW and Warhammer, I didn't touch my PS3 at all. The first thing I did when I finally turned the console back on, was delete PS HOME, as it is a godforsaken waste of 4,000 megabytes. It's so pointless, I'm not even going to talk about how stupid the concept is. Instead I'll just bitch about the fact that, since I got the beta in December, Sony has added virtually nothing to HOME; I've been waiting to peruse the products in the Mall's "Stuff" store for nearly half a year and yet there's STILL nothing in there. Granted I think it's insane to purchase anything in HOME with real money, but it would be cool to ride around on a tricycle or something.
When I had my 360, I had a serious issue when it came to buying too many games. Haven't had that issue since I got my PS3. I have a theory as to why the 360 has such a high failure rate and the PS3 doesn't. I think that since 360 users have Live and a bigger selection of games to play, they over heat their poorly designed machines by playing (aka having "fun") for hours on end. PS3 users will never have that experience. I'm sorry but it's true. I'm glad I don't have to pay for the PSN, because it pales in comparison to the quality and functionality of Xbox Live. I want to trade in my PS3, but I'm not going to. Can't trade in my Wii either. I need to get a 360 again though.
During the ten day trial period for WoW and Warhammer, I didn't touch my PS3 at all. The first thing I did when I finally turned the console back on, was delete PS HOME, as it is a godforsaken waste of 4,000 megabytes. It's so pointless, I'm not even going to talk about how stupid the concept is. Instead I'll just bitch about the fact that, since I got the beta in December, Sony has added virtually nothing to HOME; I've been waiting to peruse the products in the Mall's "Stuff" store for nearly half a year and yet there's STILL nothing in there. Granted I think it's insane to purchase anything in HOME with real money, but it would be cool to ride around on a tricycle or something.
When I had my 360, I had a serious issue when it came to buying too many games. Haven't had that issue since I got my PS3. I have a theory as to why the 360 has such a high failure rate and the PS3 doesn't. I think that since 360 users have Live and a bigger selection of games to play, they over heat their poorly designed machines by playing (aka having "fun") for hours on end. PS3 users will never have that experience. I'm sorry but it's true. I'm glad I don't have to pay for the PSN, because it pales in comparison to the quality and functionality of Xbox Live. I want to trade in my PS3, but I'm not going to. Can't trade in my Wii either. I need to get a 360 again though.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
No Country For Old Men (Blu-Ray)
No Country For Old Men is my favorite movie, hands down. This is quite a statement, because the list of my favorite movies also includes the first two Godfather movies. Since it came out on DVD last June, I have watched it about six thousand times over the Internet. However, after someone who lives with me (names will be withheld) broke my netbook by letting the battery run out of juice, I have been unable to watch shit on the Internet. True, I have several systems in my home, not just the netbook, but the experience of watching Javier Bardem blast a hole through Stephen Root's throat with a silenced shotgun whilst in my bed is unparalleled.
So when I found my self at Target today, I picked up a copy of the movie on Blue-Ray. Thirty one dollars is allot of money to pay for any movie regardless of format. So was it worth it?
Hell yes it was. Assuming your watching it on a properly wired HDTV set, you're gonna hear and see more in this movie than you ever realized was there. As this is my first Blu-Ray Disc movie purchase I'm gonna throw this out there: Blue Ray is expensive as shit, so I would only buy it for the movies that you will appreciate watching in HD. For example, Pirates of the Carabean in Blu-Ray is a yes. Bad Boys II in Blue-Ray is a yes. The Matrix in Blu -Ray is a yes. Not Another Teen Movie in Blu-Ray is a no. Got it?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Resident Evil 5 (Capcom) Xbox 360 & PS3

I predict a riot
Survival shooters have long suffered from a serious issue, being that, in game, it's a fucking bitch trying to survive. Then Capcom brought the genre up to speed with Resident Evil 4; the player was once again pited against hordes of enemies, however the combat system was completely retooled, and RE4 became the first game within the genre to focus more upon combat than survivability. RE4 was the soul reason I got a Gamecube, and when it was released for the Wii I bought that version as well. RE4 was a really, really good game.
And so is Resident Evil 5, although there is not much within the gameplay that makes the sequal much better; after all it's hard to improve perfection. The key difference in gameplay is the control scheme, and the co-op features.
Now I've heard allot of people I know tell me "The controls in this game suck and make the game unplayable." Believe me when I accuse these people of being retards. I don't want to do it. Most of these people are good friends of mine. Yet the sad fact remains that they are retards. There is nothing wrong with the control scheme in this game, if anything it balances out the gameplay. I do agree that the inability to move while aiming is stupid. It doesn't make the game unplayable, but it is a feature from RE4 that should have been removed in the sequal. My only other gripe with the game is that you cannot skip the cutscenes, even if you've seen the cutseen before. The problem with this is that if you find a part of the game that keeps killing you, you gotta watch the same damn cutscenes over and over.
Those two issues aside, this game is nothing short of mind-blowing. I'm tossing this one in for Game of the Year Nomination. A-
Monday, March 9, 2009
KiIllzone: Liberation (PSP)
My PSP is allot like the my Wii in many regards. Both have been collecting dust in a cabinet for many months now, and both are notorious for their large catalogue of fucking horrible games.
So I really want to like this game, really I do. It's not often that Sony releases major titles of their portable gaming system, not to mention downloadable ones. There's just one little problem.
This game is fucking terrible. So hideous and unbelievably unplayable is this piece of shit that, every time I think about how I paid $20 for it, I punch myself in the eye. I've played allot of shitty video games in my life. Since I started reviewing games, however, the number of terrible games I've exposed myself to has doubled. But in all that time I've never played a game as fucking horrid as Killzone: Liberation.
In the game you control your character through a 3/4 top down view of the world. I use the word "control" here very loosely, as this game will thwart your every attempt to control anything. You use the right bumper to duck behind objects, and the square button to fire. Holding the left bumper while moving the character with the analogue stick allows you to strafe. Those controls work fine. The rest make this game unplayable. The targeting system doesn't work at all, which is great, because during specific battles of the game, targeting is essential. One of the levels requires you to operate a tank through most of the level; I defy anyone to enjoy this game while operating the tank. The controls are so awful it's almost like torture.
But the best/worst aspect of this game is the way you interact with the environment. Normally you use the X button to open supply crates, get power ups, and manually strike enemies. But this game is so fucking atrocious, the developers just had to make that X button do something else. When you are hit hard by enemy fire, your character will fall to the ground; you will then be prompted to hit the X button to MAKE HIM FUCKING GET UP.
Do not buy this game. Some people may say to you "Hey you should get Killzone:Liberation. I hear it's a really good game!" Fuck these people for they are assholes without measure. Kill them with a shovel and move on with your life.
So I really want to like this game, really I do. It's not often that Sony releases major titles of their portable gaming system, not to mention downloadable ones. There's just one little problem.
This game is fucking terrible. So hideous and unbelievably unplayable is this piece of shit that, every time I think about how I paid $20 for it, I punch myself in the eye. I've played allot of shitty video games in my life. Since I started reviewing games, however, the number of terrible games I've exposed myself to has doubled. But in all that time I've never played a game as fucking horrid as Killzone: Liberation.
In the game you control your character through a 3/4 top down view of the world. I use the word "control" here very loosely, as this game will thwart your every attempt to control anything. You use the right bumper to duck behind objects, and the square button to fire. Holding the left bumper while moving the character with the analogue stick allows you to strafe. Those controls work fine. The rest make this game unplayable. The targeting system doesn't work at all, which is great, because during specific battles of the game, targeting is essential. One of the levels requires you to operate a tank through most of the level; I defy anyone to enjoy this game while operating the tank. The controls are so awful it's almost like torture.
But the best/worst aspect of this game is the way you interact with the environment. Normally you use the X button to open supply crates, get power ups, and manually strike enemies. But this game is so fucking atrocious, the developers just had to make that X button do something else. When you are hit hard by enemy fire, your character will fall to the ground; you will then be prompted to hit the X button to MAKE HIM FUCKING GET UP.
Do not buy this game. Some people may say to you "Hey you should get Killzone:Liberation. I hear it's a really good game!" Fuck these people for they are assholes without measure. Kill them with a shovel and move on with your life.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I need to hug a redneck / Power Tools Are Scary!
This morning I had an emotional breakdown, because the relationship I'm in with my partner is just not working out. I'm sure you've been there before; your with whomever. Things are going great....when it happens. It's like hearing a gear in some unseen and primal dimension turn backwards. The ground before the two of you feels unstable. For a minute you are both held in a daze of manic uncertainty, wondering what will happen in the moments that follow. Then, with horrific precision, the relationship itself bursts and tears itself to shreds, like the skin of some gigantic rotting citrus bursting off the vine......
Of course I'm talking about my relationship with Sony's Playstation 3. I don't know how to relate this to the average working class dick, but here goes...
Living with an Xbox 360 console was like dating the girl of your dreams, a beautiful girl with amazing personality and spirit, and then one day find out she had been a dude. But you got over that somehow, and things were fine for awhile, and then one night you pull the sheets back on your lover, and she's grown a big ol' cock. Now you are both confused, but decide to make the best of the situation, and spend the evening playing swords. You wake up the next morning, and for no plausible reason, the girl has turned into a huge set of dick and balls made out of tuna casserole.
At this point your thinking that there are probably other, better fish in the sea, so you dump the chick. You really like this gal but she's just too unpredictable. Not long after you dump the last girl, you decide to start pursuing a relationship with another female. This girl is fucking retarded, but you can get past her total inability to keep herself from licking every car window in site. This chick is an ex-porn star with enough money in the bank to allow you to retire and just fuck her brains out all day. Which is what you do after marrying her. You can do this and sleep at night because your better off now than before. A shape shifting transsexual tuna casserole dildo is, after all is said and done......really, really fucked up no matter how you spin it.
"Besides ," you say to yourself " it's not like retarded people get more retarded as they age. That shit would be retarded". And then like every night before you fall asleep, you punch yourself in the balls.
That's what switching to a PS3 was like for me. I was that man who punches himself in the nuts every night before bed. My PS3 was that porno actress, who, due to her mental retardation, licked nearly as many car windows as she did ball sacks. And that little water head princess keeps getting more, and more retarded. When Sony released the beta of Home, my little angle banged her head against a dead cow's festering ass for a solid week. I can hardly wait until the next bundle of PSP titles come out! She'll finally have the courage to dry hump that grain thresher she's been eyeing all winter! Hail Satan!
This is a nightmare.

I shouldn't have sold my Xbox 360. Not because there's anything wrong with my PS3. No my PS3 is infinitely more powerful and reliable than any 360 on the planet.
The problem is that, since I've switched systems , I've sat on the bank of another shore for awhile. Now, I want you fine readers to know that I, The ADHDgamer, never waited on that shore waiting for all the Xbox 360 users to convert to PS3. I just wanted a system that didn't fail every four months, that's all. When I traded in all my Xbox 360 stuff in exchange for a shiny new Playstation 3, I did so KNOWING that the victors of the seventh generation of console gameing had already been declared, and PS3 was dead last.
I knew all this, faithful readers. All I wanted was consistency! I purchased my original Xbox 360 in April of 2006. If you had told me back then, that, Call of Duty 4 would outlast Halo 3 in sales, I would have laughed. But COD4 fucking dominated Halo 3 after only a few weeks of Halo being at number one. And as it turned out COD4 was only the beginning!
If you listen closely, you'll hear a faint murmur radiating from the Xbox live Community. It's people bitching about a game called Mass Effect. Mass Effect (Microsoft Studios) was a first person sci-fi shooter for the 360 that hit the stores in the fall of 2007.
The game got ridiculously great reviews, and STILL motherfuckers are bitching. Why are they bitching if the game is so great?
Because Microsoft Studios was supposed to release a shitload of DLC for Mass Effect. This game was supposed to be the flagship title for DLC content and therefore, higher game replay ability. Microsoft Studios released a couple hours worth of DLC for Mass Effect last spring but that's it.
Why did they stop?
And what does this have to do with my Sony rant?
Well if you haven't figured it out already here's your fucking cookie. Microsoft realized that change was a comin' to video game land! They cut corners on production costs to flood the market with millions of little boxes that could communicate and allow users to play with each other all over the country! There are still major hardware issues with the Xbox 360 but it won't ever matter. The revenue from week ONE of Halo 3 sales in 2007 was enough to cover all company repair costs to all those RRODed consoles. Basically everything they're making from this point forward is all bank.
My problem with Sony is this fucking email they just sent me.
Dear Jeremy,
Now you can view your PlayStation® trophies on your "My Profile" page. If you have what it takes to win a trophy or two, now they will be automatically displayed for you. Of course, you have to earn them first. So what are you waiting for? Get to gaming.
Sincerely, PlayStation®Network
Jesus Christ. "Hey Sony? I don't give two shits about this garbage. I wasn't even aware that I had a fucking profile page. You do realise trophies don't matter right? They're just like achievements for the Xbox 360. Actually Xbox has had it's achievements vi sable for like two ye......"
I promise I won't ever use that much upper case text again.

Jesus Christ. "Hey Sony? I don't give two shits about this garbage. I wasn't even aware that I had a fucking profile page. You do realise trophies don't matter right? They're just like achievements for the Xbox 360. Actually Xbox has had it's achievements vi sable for like two ye......"
I promise I won't ever use that much upper case text again.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Flower (That Game Company) PS3

Game historians will have much to discuss when they look back upon this, the seventh generation of console gaming, however I doubt they will be discussing games like flower ( which is a good thing :p).
In Flower, the player assumes the role of a flower petal, and by aid of the wind is tasked with bringing life and color to the surrounding countryside. Much like in Fl0w, the controls are very primitive with the X button providing a boost of wind and the direction controls used for steering. By blowing the petal from flower to flower, the player gains more flower petals. Eventually once all the flower patches in an area have been activated, the countryside flourishes to life, and the player moves on the next level.
It is the simplness in this game, coupled with the atmospheric graphics and sound that accomploish what so few titles can do : take us to another world via gameplay. That's quite an accomplishment, as there are relativly few titles out there that take us places that we want to go. Flower is like interactive Lexapro for the Call of Duty addict (except Flower won't take away your sex drive). Someone needs to kidnap Jack Thompson, give him a few hits of LSD, and force him to play this game for 72 hours straight.
Rating: A
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Roll With The Punches (Part I of III)
At some point within the last ten years of my life, shit got really fucking complicated. Also, around the time that shit got really fucking complicated, I didn't realize that shit was getting really fucking complicated.
From this point forward, the phrase "shit got really fucking complicated" will be phrased as S.G.R.F.C, for the benefit of the younger reader, who upon reading this text will see said acronym and mistake it for a Gundam. What is a Gundam you ask? Well, let me try to explain...
Long ago, in the magical year of 1984, there was a show called Voltron. Much like the modern show Hanna Montana, Voltron told the tale of several rapscallion homosexuals who, when they become bored with sodomy, began a quest to harass the legions of Satanical alieniod lifeforms living in parallel dimensions and bathhouses.
Eventually the cyclopian warlords would land on earth and "start fucking shit up like shit had never been fucked ever before" (S.F.S.U.L.S.H.N.B.F.U.B) . Since in the future, all mankind must masterbate with sock puppets several times a day in order to maintain body heat, all of humanity's force's were on RedTube, and thus ill prepared to fend off a legion of demonic warlords, each on the size of a single Disney Store.
So the rapscallion homosexuals donned expensive suits of latex which offered no protection, as well as giant helmets {which, coincidentally made peripheral vision as natural a task as shoving shot glasses full of bison steak sauce up the bleached assholes of 1,000 vegans ). And each one piloted a mechanical lion (all of which really just look like a metal guinea pigs with cerebral palsy and fangs) who would prance all over and nut-knock the enemy like gay fleas with an attention disorder . Then five minutes before the show was about to end, all the mechanized lions who had not been scissor kicked into a black hole would form into the mighty robot Voltron, who wielded a giant electrical sword. Voltron also had many secondary weapons, such as being able to shoot missiles from the lions mouths, beating Christ in checkers, and aggressive end stage tuberculosis. Each show Voltron would use these weapons to "fuck shit up"( F.S.U. )and then sing to a live studio audience about the pains associated with growing up as a teenage girl who's father was a celebrated, yet one hit wonder, country superstar.
to be continued.....
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