Stand-Up Comedian in Pottstown

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Greg Giraldo (December 10, 1965 — September 29, 2010)

Greg Giraldo is one of the reasons I really started doing comedy in the first place. I thought if a lawyer can just stop being a lawyer and become a professional comedian, then I could do something similar. I figured I might not ever become famous ( so far this is accurate ), but if I could do something I loved and had always wanted to do and turn it into a career it would be worth it.

Giraldo was also one of the only comedians I know who was very public about how much he hated himself. He brooded over his mistakes until it drove him insane. He admitted that while doing comedy made him feel better, the best way to escape the pain was via drugs. I know the feeling, and as cheesy as it sounds to say it, Greg Giraldo has saved my life on several occasions. There have been times when I've been pretty fucked up and thought "What would Greg Giraldo do? Would he give up right now? Or would he do what had to be done, and then deal with the pain later?"

This is a shitty article. I'm sorry Greg, you deserved a better article man. Rest in peace dude.

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