Stand-Up Comedian in Pottstown

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No Country For Old Men (Blu-Ray)

No Country For Old Men is my favorite movie, hands down.  This is quite a statement, because the list of my favorite movies also includes the first two Godfather movies.  Since it came out on DVD last June, I have watched it about six thousand times over the Internet.  However, after someone who lives with me (names will be withheld) broke my netbook by letting the battery run out of juice, I have been unable to watch shit on the Internet.  True, I have several systems in my home, not just the netbook, but the experience of watching Javier Bardem blast a hole through Stephen Root's throat with a silenced shotgun whilst in my bed is unparalleled.  

So when I found my self at Target today, I picked up a copy of the movie on Blue-Ray.  Thirty one dollars is allot of money to pay for any movie regardless of format.  So was it worth it?

Hell yes it was.  Assuming your watching it on a properly wired HDTV set, you're gonna hear and see more in this movie than you ever realized was there.  As this is my first Blu-Ray Disc movie purchase I'm gonna throw this out there: Blue Ray is expensive as shit, so I would only buy it for the movies that you will appreciate watching in HD.  For example, Pirates of the Carabean in Blu-Ray is a yes.  Bad Boys II in Blue-Ray is a yes.  The Matrix in Blu -Ray is a yes.  Not Another Teen Movie in Blu-Ray is a no.  Got it?

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